Aspiring electrician wins brand new van with Trade Skills 4U

Over the last two months there have been lots of entries into the competition entrants and on Monday 1st June, three entrants were drawn at random and invited to compete in the Grand Final. The three finalists were Gary Middleton from Brighton, Robert Beach-Dunne from Seaford and Jeff Case from Manchester.

The three finalists had to battle it out at a game of giant buzzwire to win the van. The competition was very tense. All three finalists had never met before they competed and the general assumption was whoever got to the end would win. However, when the competition began it became clear that with the pressure of the final maybe this was a harder proposition than first thought.

Jeff Case went first but only just made it to the first bend, he thought he had blown it, however, the second contestant Robert Beach-Dunne buzzed almost straight away, meaning it came down to the last finalist Gary Middleton to try to claim the prize. He swiftly went past the first bend and carried on to buzz on the second bend. The audience at this point knew he had won but everyone kept tight lipped. All three finalists were brought back into the room where Gary was announced as the winner and presented with a bottle of Champagne.

‘I really can not believe it. I buzzed really early on so was convinced I had blown it. I have never won anything before so this is a complete shock. This means a huge deal to me and my family and makes it just that bit easier as I look to change my career,’ Gary said.

Gary Middleton booked his course on 7th April via the Trade Skills 4U website, and received two entries into the competition for booking in April. Gary, who currently works in Asda on the Seafront in Brighton Marina, has a young family who will hugely benefit from this extremely generous prize. He is studying the Trade Skills 4U’s silver domestic installer course at the beginning of July. Once he has completed the course the he has said the van will assist him starting his own business as an electrician.

On the day Trade Skills 4U was able to walk over the road to Go Vauxhall and register the van in Gary’s name straight away. Luckily he had brought a friend with him so he was able to drive off with his prize there and then. The two runners-up were also awarded brand new Kewtech KT63s for their efforts.

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